Welcome everyone! I made some substantial progress on the project today. I can feel the release getting closer and closer every weekend.
Cursed Crown Updates:
- Addressed Issue #5 Create a Goal for the Tech Demo
- My original plan for this task was to create a trigger that faded the screen to black, played some sort of credits or message, then kicked the player back to the main menu. After thinking about this for a while between the creation of the story (July 4th, 2024) and today (October 12th, 2024), I decided that the planned functionality wasn’t really what I wanted in the end.
- I created a trigger volume that contained a reference to a widget blueprint. That widget blueprint contained a block of text basically thanking the player and letting them know that they’ve reached the end of the content in the tech demo.
- Upon entering the trigger volume, the block of text is displayed in the top-right of the screen. It is removed when the player leaves the trigger volume.
- Addressed Issue #32 Overgrown Ruins Level Extension Pt. 2
- I added several rooms to the end of the ruins after the boss. After defeating (or running from) the boss, the player can progress through the rest of the ruins.
- The “end” of the level is to be found somewhere further and deeper than the boss. Also included is an Easter egg if players can find it.
- I updated the main menu logo. It’s currently just a logo and no text, but I’ll continue to work on it as time progresses. In fact, you just saw it up above at the top of this post! Let me know what you think on Discord.
There’s not much else to report on right now. I’m hoping (so please don’t hold me to it if things slip a bit) to get some sort of published build out by the end of the year. Unless more bugs pop up, my task checklist for the tech demo only contains a couple more things. I’ve got some time off saved up from my full time job and I hope to take around three weeks off in December. If all goes well, I’ll try to dedicate a bunch of time to getting this tech demo wrapped up. Then, I’ll start detailing the next stage of my plans. As always, keep an eye on this space and on Discord for the must up-to-date information! Until next time, everyone: Keep on gaming!
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