Hello everyone! It’s time for the first update of October! I wanted to get done a few tasks this weekend, but I didn’t anticipate just how long and involved the level design work was going to be. As much as I loved the process of making maps for Doom and Duke Nukem 3D back in the day, the process of making (reasonable-looking) levels in modern engines is far more complex and slow. I don’t think I’ve done poorly with the work, but it’s a lot slower than writing code for me. I’ll just have to keep plugging away and make sure I allot myself enough time to work on things going forward. Let’s keep the expectations realistic and it’ll all go smoother.
Cursed Crown Updates:
- Addressed Issue #20 Overgrown Ruins Level Extension pt. 1
- I added a new extension beyond the main ruins where the player can progress. This area is hidden behind a secret door.
- I created a custom secret door for this level that will open when the player is holding a particular key item.
- I created a key item that the player can find by exploring the rest of the ruins.
- Inside the new ruin area, I’ve added a new boss. I didn’t customize it much from the version included with the ACF tools, but it’s a good start and I think it’ll be reasonable for the purposes of the tech demo.
- I updated Burke’s in-game display name from “ACFGuy” to “Burke.” I intended to get some more work done with his script and add some voice lines, but I find that I’m not well-equipped to handle voice recording right now. The work I did was painful to listen to. Figuratively, not literally. Though a little bit literally; the cringe was real. I’ll figure it out with some better hardware and software. But the fact remains that I shelved working on the Burke task for the weekend since the level work took two days.
- I created a follow-up to issue #20: #32 Overgrown Ruins Level Extension pt. 2. This task covers finishing up the rest of the Overgrown Ruins map, including the ability to “end” the tech demo and the level. I don’t think the expansion will take as long as the first one did, but I don’t know for sure. I’m just going to do it one step at a time.
I tested that the new additions didn’t cause any issues with the build, but I didn’t publish one this week. I’m going to hold off until I get the second part of the level expansion completed and let players get the whole experience. As we get closer and closer to the initial stable build of the tech demo, I’ll probably release preview builds less often in favor of including more content in them. Keep an eye out for further updates. Thanks to everyone for continuing to check in, and keep on gaming!
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