Development Update, September 21st, 2024

Hello again, everyone! I was able to find some time during the week to finish getting the project back up and running from the UE5 and ACF plugin updates that caused issues. As a bonus, I made the player model wear a cape on the title screen and in game. Otherwise, I got everything working as expected again.

Cursed Crown Updates:

  • Reimported the knight and blacksmith model pack.
    • This didn’t have an issue associated with it, but I wanted to get the model I’m using for Burke back into the project.
    • Once the models were imported, I stripped out everything except the meshes, physics, and materials. I retargeted the meshes to use the skeleton included with ACF.
    • I created a basic NPC and assigned the Burke mesh to it and put it in the Overgrown Ruins map. It works pretty well, if not a little basically. The player can talk to and interact with the NPC, but the script that the NPC uses is still the default sample provided with ACF. That will get updated in another task.
  • Addressed Issue #26 Prototype Melee Enemy (Grey Skin) AI is Broken
    • I fixed the issue with the melee enemy prototype. There was a problem with the parent that the blueprint class was created from. After deleting my child blueprint and re-creating it, everything worked properly again. I don’t know where the issue stemmed from, but it’s solved now.
  • Addressed Issue #27 Investigate Crash with Chest Inventory
    • It appears that the ACF plugin code for the chests was updated at some point. (The “Take All” button was removed at the very least.) I can no longer reproduce the issue that caused the fatal error and crash to desktop. Marking this issue as resolved unless it pops up again.
  • Addressed Issue #28 Material Transparency on Main Character’s Shoes
    • During the update to fix the issues this week, I somehow accidentally reassigned the material for the main character’s shoes and had to fix it. It was an easy enough fix.
  • Addressed Issue #31 Update Prototype Enemy Meshes
    • Edit on September 22nd: I just wanted to poke my head back in and say that I addressed this issue this morning. I wasn’t satisfied with the work I did yesterday due to the issues that arose around git and pushing my project updates. I did replace the enemy meshes this morning and I’m looking forward to everyone being able to see them!

In other news, I have a strange issue going on with my project repository. I can’t seem to push my changes to the server repository. I’ve confirmed that the issue lies with the local files since I can’t push these files to any repository, even a new one just created to test this stuff out. I think there’s an issue with some LFS file somewhere, so I have to poke around and see what I can find. The project itself works, though, so nothing was lost. I’ll continue to investigate and try to resolve the issue.

Until next time, have a great weekend, everyone!